Friday, February 19, 2016

I know my jealousy is irrational
but I long for the day when you write about me

Home is whenever I'm with you

I find it funny I thought you were out of reach, when
you were always so close I never had to move a muscle

I hate not wearing the necklace or the bracelet or
carrying half your heart in my pocket
even though it's in my chest as well

I sleep worse away from you now but
still better than how I slept before I had you
(something I never thought possible)

I love how many songs we share
I love how we listened to her new album together for the first time
I love that I shared her with you and you
fell in love

I will never forget each and every time you go
and how much it hurts but
I will never forget you will come back this time
and I will be waiting (asleep or not)

I will always remember the first time you walked
into the room and I laid eyes on you
my wall went up so fast because I knew
something remarkable was happening
and it was terrifying

Most days of the year are unremarkable. 
They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. 
Most days have no impact on the course of a life.
June 16th was a Tuesday.

I will never understand how I believe
but I do

We are superheroes, not only saving the world
but more importantly each other, pulling one another out of
the deepest holes and breaking down the most durable walls

We will watch our movie again, one day
when the time is right
and there are so many movies we will watch
so many places we will go
so many things we will do
but all that matters
is that you are there for all of it, no matter what it is

You have an endless supply of bandages and I am lucky enough
to not need anymore because you yourself
are a bandage for all my wounds

How did I get lucky enough
to be able to brush your hair from your face a hundred times a day
to know what you look like as you fall asleep
to feel the softness of your skin against mine
warmth and protection and /home/

Alabama, Arkansas
I do love my ma and pa
Not the way that I do love you

Well, holy moly me oh my
You're the apple of my eye
Girl, I've never loved one like you

Man oh man, you're my best friend
I scream it to the nothingness
There ain't nothing that I need

Hot and heavy pumpkin pie
Chocolate candy, Jesus Christ
Ain't nothing please me more than you

I'll follow you into the park
Through the jungle, through the dark
Girl, I've never loved one like you

Moats and boats and waterfalls
Alleyways and payphone calls
I've been everywhere with you

Laugh until we think we'll die
Barefoot on that summer night
Never could be sweeter than with you

And in the streets we run afree
Like it's only you and me
Geez you're something to see

Home is when I'm alone with you.